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Different between mugger crocodile and the long nose gavial

In this post,I will be sharing idea based on the differences between the mugger crocodile and the long nose gavial.

The Mugger Crocodile  

1. The mugger crocodile belongs to the Indian sub continent.
2. They are about 13 feet long
3. They are found in fresh water,lakes and rivers 
4. The mugger share nest guarding duties with the female
5. The mugger crocodile are no friend to human
6. They are also called Marsh crocodile

   The Long Nose Gavial 

1. The long nose gavial are not a true crocodile
2. The long nose gavial has a very long narrow jaws
3. They feed primarily on fish
4. They are not aggressive to humans
5. They are more than 23 feet long
6. They are fast in water


Both creatures are unique,but processes different behavior.


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